"During delivery 'Viagra' administration halves emergency caesarean section"

Sep 12, 2024

'During delivery 'Viagra' administration halves emergency caesarean section'
data photo source=Pixabay
Research has shown that administering 'Viagra', an impotence treatment, to pregnant women in childbirth can reduce the risk of emergency cesarean section.

A research team from Iran's Gillan Medical School recently published the results of a study on the effectiveness of Viagra in 208 pregnant women in the Journal of Reproductive and Infertility.

The research team compared 104 patients in the Viagra-administered group with 104 pregnant women who did not administer them. The administration group was allowed to eat Viagra up to three times during delivery.

As a result, 13 out of 104 patients in the Viagra-administered group required emergency cesarean section, while 27 out of 104 patients in the control group who did not administer the drug had emergency surgery.

The research team explained that "'Sylderaphyl', a Viagra component, increases uterine blood flow in pregnant women, resulting in more oxygen reaching the fetus.'

However, the research team said that there is an urgent need for larger-scale trials to further verify and demonstrate these results.

Their results are similar to a 2019 study of 300 women in Australia.

In this study, the number of emergency operations in women who took Viagra at delivery decreased by 50%.
