Kang Jae-joon in the video says "When you see us eating these days, you drool. "Isn't it time for baby food?" he said, and conducted spoon training to prepare for baby food.
Lee Eun-hyung laughed by revealing Hyun-jo, who couldn't take his eyes off his mom and dad's eating show, saying, `These days, when I'm eating, I keep drooling and looking so jealous that people ask me if I'm torturing him.' Hyun-jo conducted spoon training once a day, and as a result, Hyun-jo became quite close to the spoon.
And then Lee Eun-hyung said, "I think Hyun-jo has a tooth."," he said, confirming the two white ones. Kang Jae-jun is great. I got a tooth. Hyunjo" he rejoiced.
Hyunjo's first attempt at baby food. Lee Eun-hyung challenges making baby food using organic rice, and he "How do you do it?" As I felt, `. Lee Eun-hyung then said "I can't believe the day will come when you make Hyunjo's baby food. be full of emotion. I feel weird", he said, completing the baby food.
"I'm so nervous." is Lee Eun-hyung. And Hyunjo's tasting began. However, Hyunjo spat out baby food and made Lee Eun-hyung embarrassed by shaking and nauseating. The third try. Hyun-jo finally got used to eating baby food, and Lee Eun-hyung shed tears of emotion.
And on the second day of baby food, my mom and dad couldn't take their eyes off Hyun-jo's appearance of eating baby food quite easily.