Cho-a, who was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 33 and had surgery, is ready for pregnancy" wept at the words.
TV CHOSUN조선사랑된, which aired on the 3rd, was joined by Crayon Pop Choa, a five-year-old idol and former idol who has been married for five years, with her husband
Cho-ah appeared with her husband on this day, and the production team asked about her health condition, saying, `Didn't she find out she was sick shortly after getting married?'
A couple who got married in 2021 and are now in their fifth year. Cho-ah "In the first year of marriage, I thought I should have a child, so I went for a prenatal examination. I just took it lightly, and he shocked me by saying, `That's where the cancer was found.' He was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 33.
Cho-ah "I told my parents as late as I could because they were too worried. I spoke to him two or three weeks before the surgery"I like my parents-in-law so much. I was more worried that you might not be able to sleep than I was worried about my disease name."
Cho-ah was a bolt from the blue. I couldn't believe it. "I suddenly cried in the bathroom of the hospital.", he recalled the moment he first found out that it was cancer. The husband shocked me by saying, `I didn't have a sense of reality either,' `He said that the hospital did not have surgery to protect the uterus, but that self-extraction was a manual.' Then "Choa was wailing alone in the bathroom. The feelings I had endured also burst" and "I think there was a great sense of loss because I liked children so much and always looked for pretty children."
The husband said "After the cancer diagnosis, my wife's health was more important than my child's," but Cho-ah said "I couldn't do that. When I thought that I might not have children, I realized that 'I really want children' I don't think there's any point in living without children. "I have to do something to have a child..." he said in tears.
After that, the couple received an answer that surgery was possible at two hospitals, and they had surgery. Choa underwent cancer resection and fertility preservation surgery in August 2023. Fortunately, the cancer surgery went well, and he is currently undergoing follow-up every three months.
Follow-up results on the same day. The doctor said, `I do see a lump of water toward the ovary. Let's wait and see"I don't think it's okay to get pregnant" he said. Then "You have to be careful. I don't think the place where the uterus is tied is enough to last until full term, even if I had surgery to tie the cervix"If you hold out for six to seven months of pregnancy, it will be a medical condition to raise a baby healthy these days, so you should think of that as the primary goal."
Cho-ah and her husband, who are now smiling broadly. When asked why she wanted to have children even in such a difficult process, Cho-ah said "It seems like the reason I was born." He "When I think about death for the first time in my life, I've been working hard so far to meet someone I love, to have a child with someone I love, to have a family," he said. I felt that it was the purpose of my life."