Any serious headache symptoms you should look for in the ER?

Jan 28, 2025

Any serious headache symptoms you should look for in the ER?
data photo source=Pixabay

Headache is a problem that directly affects the health and quality of life of modern people. Starting with a mild headache, it lasts for hours or even days, or daily life may be paralyzed by extreme pain. Some headaches can be easily alleviated with proper treatment, but missed treatment timing or mishandling can lead to chronic or larger problems.

Professor Choi Yun-ho of the Department of Neurology at the Catholic University of Korea's Incheon St. Mary's Hospital said, "Headache is one of the most common symptoms in the world, and many people tend to ignore it or try to solve it with painkillers because it can be a sign of a serious disease rather than just discomfort, so proper understanding and management are needed."

The most common misconception is to think of headaches as 'brain soreness'. Ironically, however, the brain itself does not feel pain. Headaches are caused by stimulation of the meninges surrounding the brain, blood vessels, muscles, and nerve branches, and these signals are transmitted to the central nervous system, which is perceived as having a headache.

Headaches are largely divided into 'primary headaches' with no specific cause and 'secondary headaches' caused by certain conditions. Primary headaches account for the majority of all headaches, including tense headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches. Tension-type headaches are caused by tension in the neck and shoulder muscles due to stress or overwork, and are mainly accompanied by heavy and tightness in the head. On the other hand, migraines are characterized by pulsating pain, such as heart beating, and one head often throbs or feels nauseous.

Although cluster headache is a relatively unfamiliar type, it is accompanied by severe pain, conjunctival congestion, tears, and runny nose. It usually appears repeatedly in certain seasons or times, and when pain begins, the area around the eyes becomes bloodshot and symptoms such as tears, runny nose, and stuffy nose are accompanied.

Secondary headaches refer to cases with pathological causes such as brain disease, trauma, and infection. In particular, if sudden and severe headaches occur or other headaches become more severe than before, it can be a serious disease such as brain tumors, meningitis, and cerebral hemorrhage. need prompt medical attention. If the headache is accompanied by neurological symptoms such as hemiplegia, dyspronunciation, and changes in consciousness, or if nausea and vomiting persist, it is likely an emergency.

Professor Choi Yun-ho said, `You should visit the emergency room immediately because the headache of extreme pain as if you were beaten up by something can be a precursor to brain disease.' `If a patient with chronic headache suddenly feels a different form of headache than usual, it is better to visit a hospital to check the cause.'

Life habits need to be improved to prevent and manage headaches. Basic health care such as sufficient sleep, regular exercise, and stress management is helpful. In the case of migraines, it is recommended to avoid foods that may cause, such as chocolate and cheese, as certain foods or environments may cause them. Stress relief activities such as yoga and meditation help reduce tension headaches. It is essential for people with military headaches to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol.

Professor Choi Yun-ho said, `Headaches are common, but sometimes they can be a sign of serious illness"Especially if headaches persist or are frequent enough to affect daily life, you should visit a specialist for accurate diagnosis and treatment."

Any serious headache symptoms you should look for in the ER?
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This article was translated by Naver AI translator.