Ahn So-young and Ahn Moon-sook are leaving 'Let's Live Together'..A tearful goodbye

Sep 03, 2024

Ahn So-young and Ahn Moon-sook are leaving 'Let's Live Together'..A tearful goodbye
Ahn So-young and Ahn Moon-sook are leaving 'Let's Live Together'..A tearful goodbye
Ahn So-young and Ahn Moon-sook are leaving 'Let's Live Together'..A tearful goodbye
Ahn So-young and Ahn Moon-sook are leaving 'Let's Live Together'..A tearful goodbye
Actors Ahn So-yeon and Ahn Moon-sook, who have been with each other for two years in Park Won-sook's Let's Live Together, will say their final greetings.

At 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, the 5th, KBS2 'Park Won-sook's Let's Live Together', actress Kim Sung-nyeo, the queen of Madangnori and godmother of the performance industry, visits the diagonal.

▶The Queen of Madangnori

On this day, Kim Sung-nyeo is active in various fields, from actors to Korean musicians, professors, and artistic directors, and delivers a busy daily life that is 24 hours short.

Kim Sung-nyeo, who is talented with her hands, is also famous for her all-round gold hands. From folk paintings to dolls and clothes, knitted works are created by Kim Sung-nyeo's hands, and a mini exhibition will be held in the courtyard of the temple. Kim Sung-nyeo, who even published knitting books, was impressed by her ability, and she will be a daily knitting instructor for sisters who are fascinated by knitting. Among them, Hye-eun draws attention with her unexpected knitting skills. Meanwhile, Kim Sung-nyeo and Hye-eun, who are not confident in cooking, challenge to prepare dinner. Before choosing the menu, the sisters expected the skills of Kim Sung-nyeo, the eldest daughter of eight siblings, "You can't cook food for the priest!," he said, drawing laughter.

▶ Last night with sister Ahn

Ahn So-young and Ahn Moon-sook, who have been together for the past two years, spend their last night as dead women. The older sisters, who prepared surprise gifts for their younger siblings, convey the affection and gratitude they have felt together. Hye-eun eventually shed tears at the letter she had written for her younger siblings, and Ahn said, "When we were struggling and in need, we started living together and felt great comfort and happiness." sends a heartfelt greeting and gives a tender farewell.
