Park Byung-eun, who has no exceptions for his colleagues, made a drastic transformation of 'Suspected Maniacs'

Sep 13, 2024

Park Byung-eun, who has no exceptions for his colleagues, made a drastic transformation of 'Suspected Maniacs'
The crime movie 「Don't Touch Dirty Money」 (directed by Kim Min-soo, produced by Li Yang Film) unveiled a still from actor Park Byung-eun's character who plays Seung-chan, the team leader of Kwang-soo University, who is a colleague of Myung-deuk (Jung-woo) in the past and is woven into a terrible relationship.

Actor Park Byung-eun, who is showing various charms in movies, dramas, and entertainment, including the series `Civilian Deok-hee'`Kingdom````````````````````````````````````````````````````````.

Seung-chan's character still, which was released, creates tension as it contains sharp eyes like a team leader at Kwangsu University who doubts everything in front of him. When a detective from Kwangsu University, who was investigating the case, was killed in a shooting accident at the scene of illegal fund theft by a criminal organization, he was dispatched as the head of the investigation and accelerated the full-fledged investigation with an order to report all procedures related to the incident to him. In the process of chasing the whereabouts of dirty money, Myung-deuk, his former colleague, realizes that he has a deep relationship with the case, suspects 'Myeong-deuk' and his partner detective Dong-hyuk (Kim Dae-myung) as the prime suspect, and continues a tense development that cannot be relaxed for a moment. In particular, since Myung-deuk was selected and joined by Kwang-su University in the past, it arouses curiosity about how Seung-chan, who knows Myung-deuk better than anyone else, will tighten his breath.

Director Kim Min-soo introduced the character "Seung-chan is a person who thoroughly excludes emotions when investigating, but this case jumps like a fire unlike Seung-chan." Also "Diction and eyes are accurate without shaking. He praised Park Byung-eun, who perfectly digested the character, saying, "An actor who maximizes the character's charm because the average value is very high."

Park Byung-eun "The audience can fully sympathize with the life of the characters, the events and emotions surrounding them."He said he decided to appear on 'Don't touch dirty money' at the thought of '. Also "I wanted Seungchan to feel like he wasn't normal. In order to escape the typicality, Park Byung-eun's transformation, which will capture the screen once again, is expected to attract attention by maintaining her poker face and expressing obsession and tenacity to catch the criminal.

"Don't Touch Dirty Money" is a story about two detectives who become involved in an unplanned accident after dabbling in dirty money, dreaming of a complete crime to turn their lives around. It stars Jung Woo, Kim Dae-myung, and Park Byung-eun, and is the first directorial debut of director Kim Min-soo, who wrote the screenplay for 『Bulgar: The World of the Bad guys"Kingmaker" It will be released on October 17.